Cheat Sheet for Creating Apps

1. Add References from NuGet
Install-Package Easybots.Apps
2. Specify the App Name
[assembly: Easybots.Apps.EasybotsApp("My First App")]
3. Add Easybots Licence
Easybots Studio -> Develop and Manage Apps -> Get App Licence
4. Create Easybots Link
var link = Easybots.Apps.EasybotsLink.CreateLink();
5. Define Bot
class MyBot : Easybots.Apps.Easybot
    public MyBot(string botId) : base(botId)
6. Add Action
[return: Easybots.Apps.ParameterDescription("string", "long descr.", typeof(string), Order = 0)]
[return: Easybots.Apps.ParameterDescription("int", "long descr.", typeof(int), Order = 1)]
public object[] ActionWithMultipleInputs(
    [Easybots.Apps.ParameterDescription("name", "The name", typeof(string), AllowUserInput = true, Order = 0)]
    [Easybots.Apps.ParameterDescription("age", "How old is..", typeof(int), AllowUserInput = true, Order = 1)]
    object[] inputs)
    string name = (string)inputs[0];
    int age = (int)inputs[1];
    return new object[] { "some string", 1 };
7. Add Trigger
    [return: Easybots.Apps.ParameterDescription("result", "long descr.", typeof(int))]
    public int Trigger()
        int result = 5;
        return result;
8. Instantiate the bot
MyBot myBot1 = new MyBot("My Bot 1");